Monday, May 18, 2015

The Box, Auditions and a Summer Sale for Hamptons 'POOL-FIRE' shows!

Flambeaux Fire likes to find performers who think OUTSIDE the box even while Flambeaux himself is performing INSIDE The Box! (Flambeaux shows at The Box nightclub Tuesday-Saturday )
And thats why we have just held auditions at The Muse in Brooklyn. And we found some very interesting concept acts to place a framework of theatricality onto, directed by Flam-&-team. Check it out.
And finally to BIZNIZ! Flambeaux Fire is getting a late start into The Hamptons season so we are offerring a sale on pool-fire shows of 20% off. You'll recognize the difference in price but you'll get the same forever-remembered show for your guests. Remember we swim with floating fire sculptures and if you're real good, they can be pushed by real mermaids!
Call soon! The sun is out!