Monday, August 25, 2014

We weren't sure what to think at first at being asked to be in a Disney show.
"Now how's that gonna work?....Really?" was the initial reaction.
But then we learned that Disney was putting it's first parental warning on the show we were being solicited for and it all seemed to fall into place.
The show was 'Villains Unleashed' at the Theater of the Stars in Disney World where Beauty and the Beast usually plays and it was 'a departure' for Disney to say the least.
So off we went to visit The Mouse.

With the beautiful Flambeaux Fire starlet Joules Magus as the dead Princess of Darkness, I wrote a show that used her movement/dance ability and her contortion skills, and brought out of retirement the balancing firebowl from years back.
Straight-up theater shows at casino showrooms and theaters have been a staple part of Flambeaux Fire's  MO for some time and now we move to become larger show producers ourselves both in New York and the obvious entertainment Mecca's beyond. With a production crew as amazing as teh one Disney provided absolutely anything can happen


So here is our show, loosely influenced by Tim Burton's 'Nightmare Before Xmas'; 
The Beautiful Nightmare