Our first pilot date in April at the Mullins Center at UMASS Amherst proved a whopping success with sold-out tickets and rave reviews.
Last winter, our beautiful contortionist Natasha King passed along our information to NV Concepts in hopes of partnering us in their new creative endeavor: integrating theatrics into an EDM concert. We were about to perform for Cosmic Opera in NYC, which was an awesome experience, but partnering with NV meant that we were able to write the entire show with them, help design the stage, and be fully involved in the creative process of a huge stadium concert with a team of people that are just as passionate and dedicated as us.
Working with the gang at NV Concepts has been so refreshing. It is rare that we can be included in a vision that everyone whole-heartedly believes in and proves magical results.
The DJ's involved in the project, DSK CHK, Bamboora, and Rapture, were also equally excited and dedicated to making Fantazia a completely unique experience and were a joy to work with as well.
Normally at an EDM concert, the DJ stands behind his booth at one end of the room fist pumping in jeans and t-shirt. We aren't trying to put down the genre, we are just INCREDIBLY theatrical people at heart.
Fantazia 360 takes place on a rotating circular platform in the middle of the stadium with audience on all sides and stages jutting out into the audience from three sides as well so that the action can come INTO the atmosphere and be involved and connect with everyone.
The DJ booth was a gutted baby grand piano.
Flambeaux Fire had their aerial crescent moon lyra over one end of the stage, their aerial star with sparklers, and silks on another end. 8 performers in total wowed the audience with massive fire shows, aerial, contortion, and theatrical antics. Bamboora was introduced dressed as Satan and with a flaming pitchfork. DSK CHK left his station to dance with the contortionist, Natasha, and place her into the aerial star before it rose into the air spinning with sparks flying out in every direction.
There was 3 solid hours of spectacle, story, and amazing tracks that left UMASS wanting more. Fantazia will provide, with Fall 2012 tour dates lining up fast.
Here are some photo highlights of the April date with some previews of what to expect during our Fall 2012 tour!